Battle Quest 2018 – some numbers before the great battle
BQ 2018 is coming closer. Surely every participant of the event is waiting eagerly for the start of the game, often thinking about how it will look this time. I’ll tell you up front Dear Readers – it will be even better than last year. And you can find some detailed info below.
For those who are not up-to-date with the event it would be best to remind that Battle Quest (organized by the 5 Elements Event Agency) will happen September 9th-12th 2018 in the prussian forts of the city of Nysa. It will be a larp set in the Warhammer universe, a battle one in fact – because the finale of the event is a great battle between the forces of Empire and Norsca. And now Dear Readers something, that you really wanted to see – the numbers of participants on each side. I’ll add that the statistics below are based on the forms filled by the players and, at the time when I write this down, it was filled by only 480 people.
On the side of The Empire we have 12 units:
- Wolf’s Mercenary Company,
- Compagnia di Farabutti,
- The White Griffon Company,
- Bear’s Paw,
- IVth Regiment of Ostland,
- Rota Krogulca,
- Feathers,
- The Imperial Militia,
- The Dirty Thirteen,
- PInvoluntarily Enlisted Peasants of Watahowo,
- The Companions of Parravon,
- Free people, not declaring to be a part of any unit.

On the side of Norsca – also 12 units:
- The Horns of Malal,
- Shieldmaidens,
- The Oaken Shields Clan,
- Svarta Batar Clan,
- Slaanesh Marauders,
- Greenskins,
- Chaos Bunnies,
- Khorne’s Berserkers,
- The Wolf Pack ,
- Varg Hird,
- The Third Black Rat Column of Clan Skab,
- Free people, not declaring to be a part of any unit.

The Neutrall City of Zwergburg consists of 8 groups for now:
- Les Herrimaults De Bordelaux,
- Robber Knights from Zwergburg,
- Il Nostro Caso De Vino,
- Imperial Bastards,
- Free Kossacs,
- The Pleasurehouse,
- The Zwergburg Hospital,
- Free people, not declaring to be a part of any unit.

Putting those overall results to final statistics it looks like this:

In total 219 participants will be fighting for The Empire, 145 for Norsca and the Neutral City of Zwergburg will host 116 people. Remember that this data is based on the filled forms, so the final numbers may yet change.
The statistics look good for The Empire, but it’s not numbers that win wars
Another interesting detail for you Dear Readers – over 17% of players at this year’s Battle Quest never participated in an event like that. We hope that you’ll help us with making this their new hobby. Just a little over 3% are the people over 16 years old (but not yet adult). Remember that when sharing a drink over the evening’s campfire – not everyone can drink alcohol yet! Speaking of which – almost 70% of our participants declares that they will fully use the Zwergburg Inn when it comes to food. Knowing how good their offer will be I believe that this number will grow during the event itself.
So, if you’re still thinking about which side of the conflict to chose (or would it be better to stay neutral) I hope that those statistics helped you with finding the right path. And if you’ve already chosen – do not kick yourself too much, because no matter the result of the last battle – we’re all going to live through an epic adventure.
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