We’ll build your dream world
Boys and their toys
During those several years of activity, 5 Żywiołów has gathered not only a team of great people and lots of experience, but also quite a collection of various items. And that’s why we also like to present an offer to create and rent all kinds of scenography.
Houses of cards and palaces of marble
We offer an array of options: an opportunity to use our extensive database of locations around the whole country (and abroad) in order to find an ideal site; an option to have us scout a location and prepare a professional report; or services of our qualified scenographers to create and stage a specific scenography in any place – it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about turning an ordinary basement into a gloomy medieval dungeon, or setting up an interesting and eye-catching stand during an international trade fair. Moreover, we give a full access to our storage rooms which are a real goldmine of unique props. Medieval swords and armour, heavy suitcases and elegant Victorian top-hats, modern office or lab equipment… and many more!
Where does he get those wonderful toys? Joker
And if we don’t have a specific prop in our warehouse – it’s no problem. Our specialists and skilled artisans will create that item just for you, according to an original design. Our team consist of specialists in impossible tasks, so there’s no job they can’t do!
Want to know more? Visit our website and check our full offer.
Tomasz Lewandowski
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